
Sunday, October 27, 2013

Interview with my mother

Mac: Hello Karen
Karen: Hello Mackenzie
Mac: Wow, 9 kids... what is it like?
Karen: It's interesting, its comical. It's guilt ridden.
Mac: Guilt ridden?
Karen: Yeah, sometimes i feel guilty because i wanna spend more time with each of you but time doesn't always allow that and sometimes one of you might feel like im not giving enough attention to one as i am the have to question everything that you tell your child and make sure that they're listening.
Mac: Do you regret having 9 children?
Karen: I think its overwhelming something... but I wouldn't trade it. Although I could get rid of child number 3 *laughs*
Mac: Ha ha... What is it like having so many children?
Karen: Its hectic, its an emotional rollercoaster but at the same time its fun.. when they're not killing each other.
Mac: If there was anything you could change, would you?
Karen: I wish lanie was a little less high strung... um i think i wish cass would be heathly and happy with herself...
Mac: Would you change one of your children completely?
Karen: No, never.
Mac: How can you treat them all equally when there's so many and they're all different?
Karen: Because I love them all equally and they're all individuals so sometimes things might not seem equal or fair but they are treated based on their individual needs. One form of discipline may work for one but not the other but they are all loved equally and there are different things about each one of them that are unique and special.
Mac: Since there is only one boy with eight girls, which gender would you rather have?
Karen: I wouldn't change it... I like girls because i understand them. Zachery confuses the living hell out of me. There are things with boys that you wouldn't think of having until they reach that age. Teaching them how to be men, how to be responsible, how to treat women and be self confidence and not be a punk. But sometimes I do wish he had a brother.. You guys are all lucky, i think hes okay with it but i think he deep down wishes he had one.
Mac: What's your ideal child?
Karen: Healthy, happy and self confident.
Mac: If you had a child with a disability, would you still accept them?
Karen: I do.. I have to deal with Zachery and his asthma and his ADHD and Delaneys ADHD. I mean i know its not as big as a disability as others have- and i would still care for you no matter what your condition.
Mac: Honestly, do you spy and sneak around to know what your child is up to?
Karen: No, I don't go through your room but if i have a question I will just come out and ask you and i expect a honest answer... now have i wanted to sneak through your room? Ya i've wanted to but i dont unless i thought you were in some sort of danger or something had to do with a matter of your safety.
Mac: You've experienced 2 children leaving, are you prepared for more to leave?
Karen: Yes and no.
Mac: How?
Karen: You wait for your babies to grow up and see what they're gonna do and how they handle life and knowing that if they ever get in trouble they have a place to go and we'll always have their back. And yet, at the same time you want them to stay little because it was so easy to take care of the little problems. Whoever said babies were hard obviously hadn't had teenagers yet.
Mac: What's something you want to teach or pass onto your children?
Karen: Well, i've noticed as ive gotten older that i wanna pass on a lot of the Greek traditions that we hadn't done in the past. I feel its important for you guys to know where you came from. And the other important thing that i want to pass onto you guys is that you guys are a family and you may not always agree with what one of your siblings is doing or saying but you have to respect them and be there for them and that not talking to them or shutting them out of your life is not an option. Also, to be more educated about their faith and God...
Mac: Have you always wanted children?
Karen: Some. I never imagined nine. My great grandmother had 7 children and i feel that somehow i was chosen to help carry on the family genes or whatever you call it.
Mac: How has having children impacted your life? Good and bad
Karen: It's taught me patience, which i still don't always have. It's taught me that my family is more important than how much money we have, what vacations we go on, what name is on your clothes. It's also hindering because at times i feel trapped into not being able to do what i want to do because my first priority is taking care of you guys... Stuff as simple as going out to see a friend or going out to pursue an education.
Mac: Are there any opportunities you wish your kids could or could've had?
Karen: Yeah... i would've liked Delaney to be able to pursue gymnastics because i think she has a talent for that.. I often wish Cass would've done something with her voice and how she can be so animated in her actions sometimes that she might be able to enjoy something like acting if she took it seriously... for you, i want you to have more self confidence and not be afraid to take chances.. safe chances. I want Tiph to graduate from college feeling proud and knowing that even though her dream might not happen right away but with hard work and time she can figure out what she wants to do and make it happen. And Alex, who is a lot like you, i wish the same things for her as i do for you.
Mac: Is having children harder than you thought?
Karen: Yeah... yeah because you worry about every decision you make, worried if its not the right one and when you're babies you think its so hard but its nothing when you compare it to what happens when your teenagers when you have to figure out what you want to do and what you want to become because teenagers think that they're invincible and think nothing bad will happen to them. So you have to constantly talk to them and remind them of their actions, every actions, whether their good or bad, and that some mistakes stay with you for a lifetime. Sometimes i do feel trapped though because its difficult to do simple things such as going out to dinner or meeting up with friends, taking vacations, going to school. To Alex, Tiph, you, Cass and Jess; I'm still considered a young parent. By the time Zach and them start getting older, people are gonna start thinking that i'm not their parent, that im their grandparent. By the time Maddie graduates, I'll be 60 years old and that bothers me.
Mac: Has your love for your husband been gained or lost?
Karen: I think it goes through ups and downs. You know, Dad travels a lot so most of the decisions that get made get made by me and as much as i think he wants to be involved, i think he has trouble knowing how to do that because of the way he was raised.
Mac: How much money do you spend on us?
Karen: Yes you're very expensive. Food alone is a big expense, spending 3-5 hundred each week. Plus the money everyone asks for when they want to run to the movies or the mall and all of the clothes. And christmas time is insane.
Mac: Wow, that was very insightful. Thank you mom. I learned some things i didn't know before.. I was surprised by a few answers but expected some of the others...
Karen: You're very welcome my love.

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