
Thursday, November 7, 2013


Reading through these specific blog posts, i notice a pattern; these people are afraid of love. They bring up the facts that yes, love can be great and all, but in the end its not always worth getting hurt over. I agree with the common thought "you shouldn't fall in love unless you know the other feels the same or you're both mature enough to handle it". You shouldn't rush into falling in love because you have your whole life ahead of you to find someone right. People are afraid of falling in love because of the pain and hurt that is associated with it. "Pain is gain". Without getting hurt, one doesn't learn and move on and become stronger. Love may not be the greatest thing ever all the time, it probably sucks sometimes but people who have fallen in love say its the best feeling. I myself am afraid of love and have no idea what to expect but i'm not shielding myself from it. People who say that they'll never fall in love are lying to themselves because one day, it will most likely happen whether they want it to or not. Putting love out of your life because you're scared is cowardly.

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