
Tuesday, September 17, 2013

The little girl, Adora Svitak, is an incredibly smart girl. For her age, she talks and seems to even write better than I do. I had never thought about what she said and when I was listening, it made me realize how true it was. I agree with her 100% on what she said about adults and how they should act more like children, as weird as that sounds.Thinking about it, she is right when she says that adults are the ones who start wars while the children are being inspirations for people all over the world. The adults in the world have been exposed to the reality and become so serious while the kids are still dreaming and believing that the world isn't so bad. To me, being childish sounds better than being adult like because the innocence and creativity of the mind are gone when children reach adulthood.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Different perspective

I sit and stay. I rarely move, paralyzed on the shelf. I sit emotionless next to candles. I watch everyone in the room though i'm usually ignored, except for the few grabs of interested people. I've gone through generations of people, dropped many times. I'm old but beautiful. I'm nothing but a rock. 

Thursday, September 12, 2013


A few years ago one day, I went to the mall with my 3 friends, Emily Lauren and Dan. We were walking around Emerald Square Mall when a group of immature teenagers started chanting gay-comments towards Dan. The group started laughing and pointing towards him, with a few of them calling him a "fag" under their breath. Seeing the hurt look on Dan's face while he tried to hide it made me and Emily go up to them and tell them off. We both told the group to stop being immature and talked about equal rights for everyone. Some of them laughed, some of them apologized. Our courage to go up to those kids made me proud because I stood up for what I believe in and made Dan happier.